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Azharuddin's Son Dies

widreoSkaf.a mq;= ñhhhs

miq.sh i;sfha isÿjq wk;=ßka osk 5lg miq widreoSkaf.a mq;= Bfha ñh .sh nj bkaoSh udOH jd¾;d fy<s lrkjd' ñh hk úg Tyqf.a jhi 19 la úh' wêl reêrh .e,Sï ksid fud<hg jl=.vq j,g yd fmKy¿ j,g ydksùu ksid Tyqf.a cSú;h fírd.ekSug fkdyelsjQ nj wemf,da frdyf,a ffjoHjreka m%ldY l<d'

wêl fõ.fhka Ô tia tlaia wd¾ 1000 iSiS j¾.fha h;=re meoshla mojñka isáhoS fuu wk;=r isÿ jQ w;r th widreoSka ish mq;dg w¨;skau ;E.s l< tlla jQ nj;a lshejqKd'fuu ;E.a. ,eîfï m%s;sh ksñ;af;la idohla meje;aùug ie,iqï l< i;sfhaoSu wjdikdjka; f,i fï wk;=r isÿj ;snqKd' wk;=r isÿjk úg widreoSka tx.ka;fha isá w;r Tyq yhsødndoa fj; osklg miq meñKshd' ñh .sh whdiqoSka widreoSkaf.a m%:u ìßhf.a nd,mq;= jQ njo lshejqKd'

fuu wk;=r ksid Tyq iu. .uka .;a {d;s fidhqrdo ñka fmr ñh .shd'


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